
Frequently Asked Questions

You have questions, we have answers 🤔

Here are some of the most common questions we get asked, but if you can't find what you're looking for, let us know


ChatFlow is an AI chatbot builder that uses your website content as its knowledge base to provide real-time, intelligent responses to customer inquiries.
Chatbots are AI-powered software agents designed to simulate conversations with human users over the internet. They can answer questions and provide assistance based on a knowledge gathered from your website, documents, and notes.
Crawlers, in the context of ChatFlow, refer to automated bots that scan your website's content to update the chatbot's knowledge base. They ensure that the AI chatbot remains accurate and up-to-date by continuously indexing new and updated information from your site.
Documents refer to any text-based files, such as PDFs, Word documents, or HTML pages, that you can upload to ChatFlow. The content of these documents is used to enrich the chatbot's knowledge base, allowing it to provide more detailed and specific answers to user inquiries. This is useful for content that is not present on your website.
Notes are pieces of textual information that you can directly add to the chatbot's knowledge base. These can include frequently asked questions, company information, or any specific details you want to ensure the chatbot can communicate to your visitors.

Forms are data collection tools that you can create and embed on your website to gather information from visitors. ChatFlow allows you to create custom forms and use them to collect user input, this can be used for lead generation or to gather feedback from your users.

Learn more about forms here

On the lower tier plan, your chatbot widget will display "Powered by ChatFlow" branding. To remove this branding, you need to upgrade to a higher tier plan.
Integration is simple and user-friendly. ChatFlow gives you a simple embed script that you can paste into your HTML.
ChatFlow can handle some complex questions, however it cannot answer things it doesn't know, so the more knowledge you feed into it, the better it will be able to answer questions.
Yes, you can customize everything from the chatbot’s tone of voice and conversational style, to its visual design elements like colors and messaging to ensure brand consistency.
We offer a 14-day free trial, that includes full access to all of ChatFlow’s features, no credit card required to sign up.


We use LemonSqueezy to process payments, which accepts all major credit and debit cards, including Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover. See the full list of supported payment methods here.
You can update your payment information by clicking here, this will send you to LemonSqueezy's customer portal, and from there, you can change your payment information.
Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time. Your subscription will remain active until the end of the current billing cycle, after which it will be automatically canceled.
We do not offer refunds for canceled subscriptions. However, you can continue to use ChatFlow until the end of your current billing cycle, after which your subscription will be canceled.
You can upgrade or downgrade your plan at any time by logging into your account and navigating to the billing section. From there, you can select a new plan and your subscription will be automatically updated.
If you exceed your plan limits, you will be notified and given the option to upgrade your plan to accommodate the increased usage. If you do not upgrade, your chatbot may be disabled until you reduce your usage or upgrade your plan.
Yes, you can change your plan at any time by logging into your account and navigating to the billing section. From there, you can select a new plan and your subscription will be automatically updated.
Yes, we offer discounts for annual subscriptions. When you choose an annual plan, you will receive a discount on the monthly subscription price.
You can view your billing history by logging into your account and navigating to the billing section. From there, you can see a detailed history of your payments and invoices.